4 Steps To Using Our Paints - The Simplest Way
Pick Your Colors
Either pick them randomly (like I do) or pick a few that fit your color scheme.
Wet Your Brush
Find your favorite brush, whisper a few sweet nothings to it, then dip it in some clean water.
Touch Brush to Paint Side of DryColor Sheet
One side of our paint has a wash to show you what the color could look like (this side also has the name stamped on it) and the other side is our concentrated paint - you want that side.
Start Painting!
You are ready to start painting. The wet brush both activates and lifts the concentrated paint from the back of our DryColor sheet.
Here is a short video demonstrating the technique from above!
In this video our resident artist Catie North is using our Travel Palette to demonstrate just how easy it is to paint with our watercolors.
In The Travel Palette all of the Drycolor sheets are attatched with their paint side facing outwards, ready to use. You can see that all she has to do is touch a wet brush to the paint and the paint activates and she's all ready to paint.

Our Peerless Paints Community
Our company and our paints have alway been about getting creative. Peerless Watercolors was founded by a chemist who was curious about how to more easily colorize black and white photographs. Just playing around he stumbled on something that he had to show to the public!
What I'm trying to say is that I highly encourage you take my suggestions above as just that - suggestions. They are the easiest place to start from when you want to learn how to use our watercolors but that doesn't mean that you can't improve on them and create your own techniques.
As you know, art is about self exspression, enjoying the creative process, and having fun more than it's about the actual painting you end up with at the end. It's a safe place where you can slow down, have fun, and play around.
So of course, learn to use our paints as I've described above but then start playing around with them and using them in ways that no one, not even you would or could have expected.
Don't take yourself too seriously and know that you have the universes full permission to fill that page with a colorful, beautiful, chaotic mess of paint if you'd like and no one will ever jugde or think less of you for it.
- Dalton, Co-owner Nicholson's Peerless Transparent Watercolors